November 21, 2007

Nanowrimo in Second Life

Second Life intersects with real life again. There's a great Nanowrimo group in SL. Check it out.

Also I checked out the website from the commenter on my last post. His site,, has several good essays about Second Life. This is an insightful point from the site:

I do believe we have the potential to find validity in our relationships and experiences online, but when do we allow it to become distorted in our perception? When does it become us being too easily pleased or deceived into thinking people are disposable? Can our real life experiences and relationships become distorted and disposable as well? How much of our life do we put on a disposable memory stick?

Then, of course, the thing that's on my mind is shopping for Christmas. Apple has a big sale on Friday, online it seems. The sales for Black Friday look interesting, but do you think the sales will be even more next week? What I find incredibly frustrating is that if you don't buy some of the high tech stuff before Christmas, it either disappears or the price goes up for awhile. I find the whole pricing structure of electronics, and toys as well, a tad frustrating.

Have you checked out the Black Friday/CyberMonday websites?
Here's a good article from about how to deal with the upcoming deals.

The photo is of the next Macbook accessory I have to buy, to connect it to a new, larger screen we have purchased. Thankfully, I found cables to link an iPod video to a television on red discount at Target. These cable things add up.

1 comment:

GDAEman said...


Thanks for the shopping tips. I need to do a little post-Xmas shopping. I've been exploring video production and your tips might come in handy.

Happy New Year!