Designer clothes for girls
When I was in junior high, I remember what is was like to not having the right sweater. Somehow I always connected that with not being friends with what seemed liked the 'in' crowd. They were the girls whose parents bought them the right sweaters from Marshall Field's. A Wall Street Journal article Fashion Bullies Attack - In middle school suggests that the right sweater is even more desirable now.
But it's nice to see a few programs trying to address the extreme meanness that many girls exhibit, and which I think are allowed by the school. After all, these girls then keep everyone quiet in the classroom, set an example to do homework, wash their hands, speak softly, etc. Teachers love the good girls.
But to any middle school girl caught in this vicious circle, I can only say that often those popular girls don't always turn out to be the best friends to have. They were the ones who had the big drinking parties early on and drove drunk home from the city. Well, some of them. I know those girls can be mean, but they're often lacking something in their life and compensating for it, too.
October makes us all think of sweaters. And it's probably time for me to get back to blogging, too.