April 16, 2007

Twins plagiarizing. Fired CBS producer's twin did same.

The CBS plagiarism story continues in a weird twist and commentators continue the dialogue. First, the CBS producer who was fired for plagiarizing has a twin sister who was also caught plagiarizing. The New York Post reports her sister “as canned from Woman's World after being caught plagiarizing from Self magazine in January, a source told the Post.” Whoa. Did they both think they could get away with it? They are both 32 and are graduates of Wesleyan University and have master's degrees from Columbia University, according to the Post and other bios.

Second, a few media commentators are weighing in that CBS Evening News shouldn't be left off the hook so easily. Scott Collins, in his column Channel Island at the LA Times, writes about the seriousness of the CBS Evening News plagiarism case.

Broadcasting & Cable magazine has an op-ed about the problems with plagiarism in broadcasting

Katie Couric Must Share Blame in Plagiarism Case, Says Media Ethicist Bob Steele '69”
from DePauw University news bureau. Steele works for the Poynter Institute.

The Deeper Fakery of Couric’s Plagiarism from Slate by Timothy Noah.
Note: I disagree with Timothy Noah about Jeff Zaslow’s writing. One of the reasons the Couric piece stuck in my head was because Zaslow’s plagiarized writing was clever and intriguing. Noah gets somewhat off track.

Putting Words in Her Mouth, from the Weekly Standard. This is my husband's preferred interpretation.

Thanks to Beth Kujawski's blog for pointing out the New York Post article and the LA Times.

I am beginning to have trouble spelling plagiarizing.

1 comment:

GDAEman said...

You say "Whoa," I say "Geeze" lets call the whole thing...

My recent post comparing Imus buzz versus the Katie Couric buzz might need to be updated if the Couric story continues to expand as your summary suggests it might.